
The Archdiocese of Boston has lowered the Confirmation age requirements.  St. Joseph Parish will be transitioning into this plan over the next two years.  As a result of this change, all incoming 9th grade students will be receiving Confirmation in the Spring of 2025.  This year in class, Deacon Artie and Mr. Mark Brunini will focus on deepening the student’s faith.  They will incorporate many facets of everyday Christian life into our gatherings, including prayer, praise and worship. We will discuss what it means to be a follower of Christ and learn how to walk in His way of life, even today, when society has drifted so far away from the values and teachings of Jesus. We will support each other in this often difficult journey, by finding Christian ways to embrace and overcome the challenges we all face, which will not only bring us closer to Christ, but to each other as well.

Class meets every week in-person.  Each month, there will be one Sunday meeting at 4:15 p.m. with Fr Ron and three weekly meetings on Wednesday.

9th-10th grade 2024 2025 calendar FINAL (1) (PDF,669K)

2025 Confirmation Date: Friday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m.

Tuition is $50 (Includes program fee and Confirmation robe fee)