Wondering how you will get through the pathways of grief?

The Bereavement Community at St. Joseph Parish meets monthly and welcomes anyone who has experienced a loss, either through death or the breakup of a relationship. Members may come for one or all meetings and are free to share their experiences or just come and listen to others’ experiences.


After a candlelight prayer ceremony, members discuss how they met the challenges of their loss, such as anger, fear, stress, denial, anxiety, depression, negotiation, and acceptance. Suggestions are exchanged on approaches to handling each stage. Materials are distributed so members may review what they have heard at later times.

Visitors Always Welcome

There isn’t a standard length of time for grieving. Loss affects each one of us differently, and members of our group are at different stages of grief. Anyone who is experiencing a loss, no matter how long ago is welcome. Meeting times are posted in the bulletin.

Call (617) 665-8172 for information on maintaining traditions or introducing new ones. Discern ways to live in the moment while keeping memories of loved ones fresh and meaningful.