Liturgical Committee
The objective of the Liturgical Committee is to assist the spiritual community in preparing for and living a Liturgical spirituality according to the rhythm of the Paschal Mystery, which is the entire salvific mystery of Jesus Christ.
The Church year unfolds like the seasons in nature with appropriate colors and symbols, scriptural readings, music and reflections. These seasons help the faithful enter more fully into the life, mission, passion, death, resurrection, ascension, sending of the Spirit, and promised coming of Christ.
The Liturgical Committee works together to mark these special seasons of the Church year, holy days, solemnities, and special feasts of Mary and the saints by careful planning and preparations. Appropriate themes emerge from the scriptures of a particular season or feast day determining the particular use of symbols, flowers, music and colors.
The Committee members work together with the Pastor, the Office of Worship at the Chancery, and the parishioners as one would plan for a special family birthday, wedding, funeral or anniversary. Liturgy is truly a celebration of Emmanuel, “God with us”.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls, grades three and up, assist at weekend Liturgies and weddings. Adult servers assist at weekday Liturgies and at funerals.
Eucharistic Ministry
Ministers of the Eucharist are designated religious and lay individuals who help with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, at other special Liturgies, and to parishioners unable to attend Mass. A preparation program is required for those who are to be commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers. Serving in this ministry results in several benefits: a deepening of faith; a realization of Christ’s great love for us through the Eucharist; and a better understanding of the power of prayer.
Lector Ministry
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry’s goals are to add beauty and solemnity to our Liturgies, to support the song of the congregation and to help people pray. Instrumentalists enhance the music at our Liturgies. Our music ministry is further enhanced by our Children’s Choir that sings at the Sunday 9:00am Family Liturgy and the Adult Choir that sings at the Sunday 11:00am Liturgy.
Ushers/Greeters Ministry
Ushers and Greeters are the ministers of hospitality of the Parish. Greeters welcome people on their entry into Church, distribute Church bulletins, and answer questions from parishioners about upcoming Church events. Ushers assist parishioners in locating seats, collect the weekly offerings at every Mass, and help people with special needs.