Protecting God’s Children Training
St Joseph Parish is offering training in Protecting God’s Children by Virtus on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. The training is provided to educate attendees in how to protect children and vulnerable individuals from abuse. Topics include teaching awareness of the warning signs of potential issues, environmental safety, and how to communicate concerns.
The Protecting God’s Children program is beneficial to anyone. Everyone is welcome to attend so we can all make a difference in the life of a child by keeping them safe.
How do I register for a VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children training session?
Go to
Click the green First-Time Registrant box on the left hand side of the screen.
Select Begin the registration process.
Select Boston, MA (Archdiocese) from the drop down menu.
Create User ID and password.
Complete personal information. (Name, Address, Phone, and Birthdate are required)
Select primary location – St Joseph, Wakefield MA.
Select the Role you perform or enter your role at the bottom of the page.
Enter your title or describe what you do at the bottom of the page.
Select a Protecting God’s Children session from the list. Training is listed in date order. Search for July 12, 2023, 10:00 a.m., St Joseph, Wakefield MA. This will complete your registration.
Please allow three hours for the training. If you have any questions or concerns, call the rectory at 781-245-5770.